Topic: Getting Brunch to work under POW rather than localhost:3333

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Quick post on the steps necessary to use a virtual hostname rather than localhost and port number via POW even when using Brunch.

I'm using ember-brunch as my build toolkit for a Ember.js project I'm working on. It's built on top of Brunch and I'm enjoying it so far.

However, one thing that bugged me was that the included server was only accessible at localhost:3333 when running in development. Ugly, for a POW user like myself. There had to be a way to make it work under a virtual hostname.

Turns out there is a very simple way of doing it in POW since 0.4.0 as outlined here:

Basically create a file with the port number in it under ~/.pow where the filename is the virtual hostname you want, but minus the ".dev". Then you, once you start up the server with "brunch w --server", you can access your project with "" in the browser.

The hardest part of this was searching for the answer!

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