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I'll be on the "Collaboration and Community" panel at the National Digital Forum 2011.
I'll be returning to the National Digital Forum in Wellington, New Zealand on the 29th and 30th of November at Te Papa to take part in the "Collaboration and Community" panel along with Smita Biswas (from Tauranga City Libraries and the Tauranga Memories project). I'll be giving my perspective on the Kete project in its first five years.
Also on the panel will be Annette Beattie from Hutt City Libraries and Jackie Gurden from West Coast Heritage and Libraries. It will be great to hear about their projects.
The programme hasn't been finalized yet, so I'm not sure what day and time the panel will take place at, so keep an eye on the conference site if you want to come along.
Unfortunately I won't be able to attend the conference as a whole, but I will be in Wellington during that time. Contact me if you like to meet up.
I'm hoping to attend a pre-NDF DigitalNZ day and a post-NDF Linked Data barcamp. Details aren't final yet, so keep an eye out for more information on those possible events.