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A blog post on getting this site up and running.
So I'm striking out on my own as a freelance web developer and that means that I need to start sharing information under my own banner.
I have some plans brewing to make this site a bit more than a normal blog. Stay tuned on that front...
In the meantime, the most imporantant thing with any site, really, is simply to get started. Here's what I plan to do in the short term:
Now that I've run an open source software project for the last fives and put out a huge amount of documentation, I've realized that I would really like to develop a style guide. One that is particularly oriented toward technical writing. In true internet fashion, I'm sure it will be mix-and-match of exisiting stuff out there that I like and an extension of what others have previously written. It will also include a lot of lessons I've learned in my work over the years. It will grow and evolve as I find new challenges to clarity!
Hand in hand with that I'll be adjusting the look of this site towards the same goal of readability. Along with that, expect to see my sense of fun thrown in.
Onward and upward!