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Locked Baskets are special baskets within Kete.
Locked baskets are fully searchable with a general Kete search, but a search can be limited to a specific basket. While locked baskets can be searched by anyone, the contents can only be edited by the basket owner and nominated members.
Locked baskets are rare, and are given to organisations who intend to build large or unique collections within Kete. If you are interested in a Locked basket please contact the Site Administrator a the contact link on the homepage.
Locked baskets are essentially mini-ketes and are configured by the basket administrator. Each locked basket has a homepage which is similar in structure to the main Kete. There are a number of components to be considered and configured:
Following a successful application you will need to configure your Locked Basket. At the bottom of the main Kete homepage you will see a list of featured baskets. Click on your basket, and you will see 3 options appear: edit, members, delete. Select edit to configure your basket.
Selecting Edit will take you to the configuration page.
The first configuration choice determines the Main portion of your basket's homepage. A current homepage topic will have been created for you in skeleton form. You will need to edit it by clicking on the link. It is edited like any other Topic in Kete.
Later, you may want to create a replacement homepage topic over a couple of sessions, rather than editing the existing one. Click on a 'Add new' to do this, and when you have finished and are ready to make it your homepage topic click on 'Link to new' and enter the title of the replacement homepage Topic. Click on the box to the left of the new homepage topic to select it.
Redirect to results of | Generally this would always be left on don't redirect. If you do not have a homepage topic then you can choose a default screen from the drop down box. |
Choose what should appear on the homepage topic | If you do not want the sidebar displaying then select Only Homepage Topic. |
Otherwise, select which elements of the Topic page you want to display on your homepage: just the main portion or the main portion plus a link to whole page including the lower section. Play around with the options in the drop down box to see the different effects. | |
Recent topics | You can choose how many, if any, of the most recent topics will appear on your homepage; 5 looks good. |
Decide whether you want to them to display as Headlines or Summaries | |
Search | Decide whether to include a basket search form or not. Selecting it is recommended as it allows a search to be made just on your basket, rather than the whole Kete database. |
Content in sidebar after search | There is an option to include a sentence or 2 on the sidebar, underneath the search box. Kept this short and snappy. You can format it using the text editor. A wee hint: the format box on the far left of the second row contains preset heading formatting that matches the rest of the site. You cannot insert forms or javascript. |
Selected image | This can be selected to latest, random or no. Latest will dispaly the most recent iamge to be added to your basket, random will select a slideshow and no image is just that! |
Archives | You can select to show the content sof your basket sorted by type. This is a good option to showcase the extent and variety of material in your basket. |
Tags | You can elect to display tags in categories or as a tag cloud on your sidebar. This is effective if you have tagged the items you have created with keyword search terms. There are a couple of display choices so have a play around with the various effects. |
You can give editorial access to select members of the main Kete site. These will be people who you are happy to add and edit items and topics in your Locked Basket. Everyone can view your basket but these members can make changes in it.
Do not click on this unless you want to delete your entire basket!